International Conference Presentation
Names, Demonstratives, and Expressives
Names and demonstratives are the two main tools through which language hooks to the world. Both linguists and philosophers have been developing formal frameworks to model the relationship between contextual elements and such referential mechanisms. Lately, attention has been driven to the possibility of applying formal modeling also to the study of the expressive aspects of linguistic meaning. The aim of “Names, Demonstratives, and Expressives” is to attract scholars interested in the interface between those two aspects, from the perspective of different fields — such as linguistics, philosophy, psychology and logics — and to facilitate the interaction among them.
Invited Speakers
- Claudia Bianchi (San Raffaele, Milano)
- Ernest Lepore (Rutgers)
- Stefano Predelli (Nottingham)
- Josep Maciá (Barcelona)
Contributed Speakers
- Bianca Cepollaro (Scuola Normale di Pisa)
- Aldo Frigerio (University of Sacro Cuore, Milan)
- Heimir Geirsson (Iowa State University)
- Aidan Gray (University of Illinois)
- Christopher Hom (Texas Tech University)
- Robin Jeshion (University of Southern California)
- Natalia Karczewska (University of Warsaw)
- Katarzyna Kijania-Placek (Jagiellonian University)
- Robert May (U.C. Davis)
- Matt Moss (Columbia University)
- Francesca Panzeri (Bicocca University, Milan)
- Mihaela Popa-Wjatt (University of Barcelona)
- Francois Recanati (IJN, Paris)
- Wojciech Rostworowski & Natalia Pietrulewicz (University of Warsaw)
- Henry Schiller (University of Edinburgh)
- Roberto B. Sileo (University of Cambridge)
- Una Stojnić (Rutgers University)
- Tristan Thommen (IJN Paris)
- Clotilde Calabi (Università degli Studi di Milano)
- Elisa Paganini (Università degli Studi di Milano)
- Giuliano Torrengo (Università degli Studi di Milano)
- Sandro Zucchi (Università degli Studi di Milano)
15-17 September 2014
Villa Feltrinelli, Gargnano sul Garda - Italy