The Seminars of Philosophy of Perception, Mind, and Language

Alice and Humpty Dumpty The Seminars of Perception, Mind, and Language (former Seminars of Philosophy of Language and Mind) take place every year since 2001 at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Milan. The meetings aim at being an opportunity for people working in analytic philosophy to debate the latest directions of research.

The meetings are structured as a 45-50 minutes presentation, followed by an extensive discussion time. They are open to anyone interested in the topic, especially undergraduate and Ph.D. students. The language of the talks is either Italian or English.

Winter Session 2018-2019

28/01 – Francois Recanati (CNRS - EHESS - Institut Jean-Nicod) - Thinking through language

04/02 – Alberto Voltolini (Università degli Studi di Torino) - Real individuals in fictions, fictional surrogates in stories

11/02 – Michael Newall (University of Kent) - Picturing perception: What perception shares with pictorial representation

18/02 – Roberta Ballarin (University of British Columbia) - The Double Double-Life of Names

11/03 – Lambert Wiesing (Friedrich Schiller University), Lambert Wiesing: Phenomenology of Luxury: The Dadaism of Possession.

08/04 – Lisa Bortolotti (University of Birmingham), When the personal becomes political:  the use of autobiographical stories in the Brexit debate.

15/04 – Isidora Stojanovic (Institut Jean-Nicod), TBA.

13/05 – Marta Abrusan (Institut Jean-Nicod), TBA.