May 5 MON — 12.30-14.30
Sala Riunioni — Direzione del Dipartimento (Via Festa del Perdono 7, Milano)
Vagueness and Quantification
Abstract: This paper addresses the question of what it is for a quantifier expression to be vague. In the first part of the paper, a distinction will be drawn between two senses in which a quantifier expression may be said to be vague: one is intensional, the other is extensional. As it will be shown, a plausible account of this distinction is obtained by combining a standard assumption about the meaning of quantifier expressions with a precisificational account of vagueness. In the second part, it will be suggested that there is a coherent understanding of logical form according to which both kinds of vagueness can be represented at the level of logical form. The interesting and controversial conclusion that emerges from such representation that neither of intensional vagueness nor extensional vagueness requires a revision of classical logic.
The conference will be in English
La partecipazione all’incontro è fortemente consigliata consigliata agli allievi della Scuola di Dottorato in Filosofia e Scienze dell’Uomo.